Saturday, June 19, 2010

Benefits of Goji berry

Goji berry is also known Wolfberry which is the common name of two fruits related to each other the Lycium barbarum and L.chinense. They are the species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae. It is Inhabitant in southeastern Europe and Asia. Tibet and Mongolia red berries is known as 'Goji' is the cure for the illness of various diseases. Many people call it "happy berry" as a nick name. "To eat goji in the morning will cause of happiness and freshness whole day" is famous in common folklore. In Chinese medicine it has been used for ages as a tonic. During the Tang dynasty (A.D.772-842), the Liu Yuxi who was the famous poet also wrote a poem "body and spirit" about the goji berry. English speakers call it Wolfberry and it is getting common day by day. The Goji Berries are grown in the different places around the world. It is the secret to spend a healthy life.

Some are the advantages are, it is particularly carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, antioxidants, effective in phytonutrients, improves the internal organs and the whole body function, provides circulation control and energy level quality support, immune function perfection, improves metabolic function and reduce fat and aids growth, improves eyesight ability and protect kidney function, less fatigue, secures the lever, boosts ibido, enhances sexual functionality and fertility. According to research growth of cancer cells can be controlled throw goji berries, also reduce blood glucose, and lower cholesterol levels. The unique bioactive polysaccharides (LBP) is found in goji berries and effective to high immunity response. Gogi berries which have potent vitamins and nutrients of course which help to fight against diseases, it also help to lose weight which is the reason to use it among young adults and middle aged people mostly. Goji berries are usually grown in worm and subtropical regions like Mongolia, China and Himalayas, Tibet. It can easily be found at any super markets and online health marketplace.

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